Publication Scheme

What we publish

We will publish a number of reports each year, which will be laid before Parliament in accordance with our statutory obligations. We will provide the bodies we scrutinise with copies of our reports and publish them on our website. Where we are directed by Scottish Ministers, we will report to them and they will present these reports to the Scottish Parliament.

We will typically produce reports from our individual scrutiny activities through Local Policing+, Thematic Reviews, Continuous Improvement Reviews and Audit and Assurance Reviews. These will be published throughout the year in accordance with our Scrutiny Plan. The publication of any reports from Collaborative Inspections will ordinarily be undertaken by the lead inspection body responsible.

We will produce an Annual Report at the end of the calendar year and provide information summarising our activities. This will include an assessment of our impact and how our activities contributed towards positive outcomes. We will also comment on the overall state, effectiveness and efficiency of policing in Scotland and on the performance of Police Scotland and the SPA.

A guide to information that HMICS makes available through the Model Publication Scheme produced and approved by the Scottish Information Commissioner on 29 March 2016.

To view the Single Model Publication Scheme, follow this link:

In adopting the Single Model Scheme, we have produced a 'Guide to Information' which:

  • allows you to see what information is available (and what is not available) in relation to each class;
  • states what charges may be applied;
  • explains how to find the information easily;
  • provides contact details for enquiries and to get help with accessing the information;
  • explains how to request information that has not been published.

View our publication guide below: