HMICS Scrutiny Plan 2018-19

18 April 2018

Our Annual Scrutiny Plan for 2018-19 sets out how HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) will meet its statutory purpose to inquire into the state, efficiency and effectiveness of both the Police Service of Scotland (Police Scotland) and the SPA. It is published in terms of Section 75 of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 and sets out our scrutiny priorities from April 2018 until March 2019.

We keep this plan under review and changes can be made over the course of the year. We have consulted with a wide range of people interested in policing to arrive at this plan, and will consult further prior to making any revisions. We will publish this plan and any revised version on our website and make it directly accessible to those we consider likely to have an interest in it.

Our approach is to support Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority to deliver services that are high quality, continually improving, effective and responsive to local needs.


27 November 2018

2018-19 Scrutiny Plan Revisions:

The HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) Annual Scrutiny Plan for 2018-19 was published in April 2018, setting out how we will meet our statutory purpose to inquire into the state, efficiency and effectiveness of both the Police Service of Scotland (Police Scotland) and the Scottish Police Authority (SPA). It was published in terms of Section 75 of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 and set out our scrutiny programme from April 2018 until March 2019.

In keeping with our statutory duty, we have kept this plan under review throughout the year in assessing and responding to competing scrutiny priorities. This has resulted in planned scrutiny activity being deferred and new priorities being identified. A summary of the revisions to the 2018-19 plan are set out below.

Publication type: 
HMICS Corporate document