Questionnaire - HMICS Review of Call Handling in Scotland

29 July 2015

HMICS is undertaking a review of police call handling across Scotland and is conducting an online questionnaire to allow members of the public, police officers and police staff, elected representatives and other interested parties to inform our review.

This follows the tragic incident involving the deaths of John Yuill and Lamara Bell. Our review will provide an independent assessment of how police contact, command and control centres are working. For further information about the review, please see the Terms of Reference on our website. 

We welcome views on the police 101 or 999 service and would like to hear people’s experience of what is working well when they call those numbers and what could be improved.   

The online questionnaire should take about 15 minutes to complete. The deadline for responses is 23 August 2015. If you would like this questionnaire in an alternative language, please contact

Because your comments will be anonymous, we will not be able to provide individual feedback to you or investigate any complaints. Information on making a complaint about policing in Scotland is available at How to make a complaint

We appreciate your contribution to our review.

Publication type: 
HMICS Corporate document