HMICS welcome response to online questionnaire

05 August 2015

Over 2000 people from across Scotland have contributed to an online questionnaire about the quality of call handling being provided by Police Scotland’s contact, command and control facilities.

The questionnaire is being hosted by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary to allow members of the public, police officers, police staff, elected representatives and other interested parties pass on their experiences of calling these police centres.

In the seven days since it was launched, over 2000 people have completed the questionnaire detailing how their calls to 101 or 999 were handled.

The information received by HMICS via this questionnaire is being used to inform the review which was directed by the Cabinet Secretary for Justice following the tragic incident on the M9  last month involving the deaths of John Yuill and Lamara Bell.

HM Inspector of Constabulary, Mr Derek Penman, said: “We are grateful to the many people who have taken time to complete the questionnaire with more than half of the respondents being police officers and members of police staff. The interest from the general public has also been significant.

“They are sharing their experiences over the past two years with us - when they have called the police on 101 or 999.

“The level of interest has been very good so far but we are aware that some people may have been on holiday and may not be aware that the questionnaire is still ‘live’ and they have the opportunity to take part until midnight on Sunday, August 23.

“We also welcome completed questionnaires from elected representatives and from police officers and staff who currently or have recently worked within these contact, command and control facilities.”

Mr Penman repeated his assurance that all responses will be treated in confidence, will only be for the purposes of this review and will not be shared with any other organisation.

The questionnaire will be available on the HMICS website or via until midnight on Sunday, August 23. The field work for the review is underway and over the next two weeks HMICS will visit all Police Scotland contact, command and control facilities, speak to the officers and staff who work in them, audit calls and look at processes and procedures. The information received during these visits will be in addition to the any information supplied confidentially via the online questionnaire.

Due to the anonymity provided by the questionnaire, HMICS will not be able to provide individual feedback or investigate any complaints.

An interim report will be given to the Cabinet Secretary by the end of this month, with the full report completed by the end of October.

The survey can be provided in alternative languages if required and those without access to the internet can call 01312443362.