Our scrutiny plan sets out how HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) will meet its statutory purpose to inquire into the state, efficiency and effectiveness of both the Police Service of Scotland (‘Police Scotland’) and the Scottish Police Authority. This plan is published in terms of Section 75 of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 and sets out our priorities for inquiries over the duration of the plan. It demonstrates how we will carry these out in a way that is proportionate, accountable and transparent.
We publish a three-year scrutiny plan which is developed through consultation with our stakeholders and is informed by an objective assessment of policing performance and risk. We make the plan accessible to those who are likely to have an interest in it and maintain a copy on the HMICS website. The plan is reviewed as necessary throughout its lifecycle with updated versions published on our website.

Our scrutiny activity follows an approach, which takes account of the Crerar review, Christie report and supports production of the National Scrutiny Plan by Audit Scotland.
Thematic reviews
We continue to use thematic reviews to scrutinise cross cutting issues that benefit from a more holistic review or where we choose to inspect major functions. We publish full reports for each of our thematic reviews. We capture innovation and good practice and where relevant, we make recommendations that drive improvement. Moving forward, our thematic reviews may provide opportunities to work with others to consider new issues or emerging threats and provide evidence for future policy development.
Audit and assurance reviews
Our audit and assurance reviews allow for more detailed scrutiny in areas where we believe there is a specific need to audit critical systems to ensure accurate and ethical recording or provide some external assurance over key processes in high risk areas. These reviews also provide opportunities for HMICS to undertake assignments to provide independent assurance over specific aspects of policing.
We publish reports for each of our audit and assurance reviews, highlighting our findings and any recommendations. These reviews also inform our wider assessment of how well Police Scotland and the SPA is meeting their obligations to secure best value and continuous improvement, which we publish in our annual report.
Professional advice note
As part of our role to provide professional advice and guidance on policing in Scotland, we use professional advice notes in circumstances where we believe we can add value to the understanding of an issue without carrying out a formal inspection.
Strategic reviews
Where required, HMICS will undertake high-level strategic assessments in specified areas. These are short, sharp reviews, designed to minimise the impact on the area of inspection. These reviews will seek to identify issues and provide recommendations to drive improvement. Where significant issues are identified, these reviews may lead to more directed scrutiny activity in the future.
Frontline focus reviews
HMICS has committed to conduct a number of short, focussed reviews with a particular focus on the frontline experience. This is in response to consultation and engagement with key stakeholders and partners which raised the challenges facing frontline officers and staff. The challenges raised included access to training, working environments, officer and staff wellbeing and increasing public health demands. In conducting the review the team will engage directly with frontline officers and staff to produce an easily consumable product, summarising findings and highlighting good practice and areas for development.
Collaborative reviews
We continue to work with other scrutiny bodies and undertake joint inspection activity in areas where Police Scotland or the SPA work in partnership and contribute to shared outcomes with others.