Standing Firearms Authority Assurance Review - Terms of Reference

14 August 2014

The aim of this review will be to assess the current practices by Police Scotland in relation to the Standing Authority for the Issue and Carriage of Firearms in terms of Police Scotland’s compliance with the relevant guidance, procedures and recognised best practice.

This assurance review will be undertaken by HMICS in terms of the Section 74(2)(a) of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 and will be laid before the Scottish Parliament in terms of Section 79(3) of the Act.

The terms of reference for this assurance review are designed to enable HMICS to independently assess the current practices by Police Scotland in relation to the Standing Authority for the Issue and Carriage of Firearms and provide assurance in terms of Police Scotland’s compliance with the relevant guidance, procedures and recognised best practice.

This will include an objective professional assessment of whether the initial and current operational decision-making by Police Scotland has followed the relevant guidance and that any conclusion is supported by the prevailing threat, risk and available intelligence. It will also include an assessment of the views and information provided to the Chief Constable and the extent to which this, and the wider community impact, has been incorporated into the decision-making process.

We will review the current arrangements within Police Scotland for the deployment of authorised firearms officers with standing authority, and the policies and practice in terms of their support to local policing colleagues and deployment on regular patrols and operational tasks. This will be assessed against current guidance, procedures and best practice across the United Kingdom.

Given the commitment by the Chief Constable to provide quarterly updates on the number of officers deployed on firearms duties and provide notice where this routinely exceeds 2% of the force establishment, we will also review the processes in place to monitor and report against this.


Publication type: 
Terms of Reference